531 tracks
Big Whoosh 5
Whoosh sounds and related effects, providing audio signatures, enhancers, phased and alien whooshes, drones, whoosh rewinds and impacts, fly bys, takeoffs and landings, special FX, music logos, swooshes, dark elements, squeals, screeches, rings and zaps, and many different styles of sweepers.
Signal Sweeps, Big Signal and Drone Hit 1
Signal Sweeps - Big Signal Sweep and Drone Hit 1
Static Sweeps, Static Interference Jumble 6
Static Sweeps - Static Interference Jumble Sweep 6
Signal Sweeps, Big Garbled Signal Interference 1
Signal Sweeps - Big Garbled Signal Interference Sweep 1
Static Sweeps, Static Interference Buzz 2
Static Sweeps - Static Interference Buzz Sweep 2