Music Without Limits.
650,000+ songs to tell your story anywhere.

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Music without limits

We empower creators, brands, and businesses to find the perfect sound for every story on every platform.

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Cutting-edge sounds for next-gen content.

Fuel your digital creativity with ease. From viral YouTube hits to binge-worthy streaming series.

Timeless quality meets modern efficiency.

Elevate traditional media with our sonic magic. Captivating scores for TV, films, and ads that resonate.

We're powering your creative journey,
one track at a time.

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Find the perfect music quickly.

Curated playlists and search make it easy.

Music without limits



Billed annually
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
650,000+ songs
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Unlimited Downloads
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
1 channel per platform
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Coverage for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Facebook, podcasts, and more
Gray unchecked checkbox icon on a dark background, indicating an unselected option
Paid Digital Advertising & Client Videos
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Billed annually
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
650,000+ songs
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Unlimited downloads
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Unlimited channels per platform
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Coverage for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Facebook, podcasts, and more
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Paid Digital Advertising & Client Videos
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Month billed annually
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Everything in Pro
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Custom Music Creation
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Multiple Seats
Purple checkmark icon on a dark background.
Coverage for Feature Films, TV Shows, and Broadcast Advertisements
Gray unchecked checkbox icon on a dark background, indicating an unselected option
If you’re a business, production company, brand, or agency contact us to set up a demo
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